Melissa & Matt - Married, Providence RI
As far as brides go, Melissa was the coolest cucumber I've ever seen on her wedding day. When I arrived at Grace Harbor Church on the morning of their wedding, she greeted me barefoot, in yoga pants, in the middle of making her bridesmaid's bouquets. She still had to paint her nails. Less than two hours until go time, and her hair hadn't even felt the heat of a curling iron.
Was she concerned? Not in the slightest.
Excited? Beyond words.
As the church started to fill to capacity with their friends, family, and members of their church, the story of Melissa and Matt unfolded into a new chapter. Now husband and wife, their excitement was never more evident than in the looks on their faces when they realized they were finally married! Thank you so much, Melissa and Matt, for giving me the opportunity to be apart of one of the most beautiful days of your life.